Friday, November 12, 2010

Student Arrival...

As you head towards the CCBC campus, two things begin to happen: First, you find that you can't take your eyes off the view flitting by your car window; you're driving through mountain ravines, surrounded by the stark beauty of contrasting black and white aspens, and following alongside rivers flowing over rocks and boulders, you begin to be awestruck by the display of the sheer beauty the Lord has designed.

Secondly, as civilization disappears from view, and you realize it's been three hours since you saw anything looking even remotely like a McDonalds, and one hour since you had anything resembling good cell phone reception, you realize you really are going to live, quite literally, in absolutely, the middle, of the Rocky Mountains.
The Campus vision begins to sink in when you realize, "I really am going to be set-apart at this place", yet a shout can be heard “Praise the Lord! I get to live in mountain wilderness!” By the way, city folk don't tend to venture this far into the wild.
Whatever your thoughts may currently be, our hope is that this newsletter will give you a small glimpse into our life here at CCBC and convey, at least in part, some of the reality of the amazing things God has done, taught, and molded in us, out here in the middle of the mountains. The vision here is to get away from the distractions of life for a season to seek God undivided and wholeheartedly. The amazing thing is - we get built up to reach out to a lost and dying world!

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